From 51a8a94817b53b653c09a198431c3ad550ca456f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Conrad Parker <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 08:14:19 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Release 1.0.0

 ChangeLog                       |  59 +++++++++                    |  21 +++-
 release_notes/liboggz-1.0.0.txt | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 release_notes/liboggz-1.0.0.txt

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 9f89375..53b3383 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,62 @@
+Tue Sep 15 07:27:18 JST 2009 Conrad Parker <>
+	* Version 1.0.0
+	This is a stable maintenance release, including build fixes and
+	updates for embedded platforms (ARM, SH4) and updated Visual Studio
+	project files for Microsoft Windows.
+	This release also includes a new "oggz codecs" command, which simply
+	lists the codecs present in one or more files. The default
+	comma-separated output is designed for use in an HTML5 <video> codecs
+	attribute.
+	Build:
+	* Updated Visual Studio project files (Barry Duncan)
+	* fix for arm, sh4 builds
+	* remove DocBook .sgml files, use .1 directly
+	* Debian #540360: use version script on GNU/kFreeBSD
+	oggz tools:
+	* oggz-chop: fix detection of accumulated continued pages, ie. when
+	  all accumulated pages have granulepos -1 and thus should all be
+	  kept when advancing the accumulator
+	* oggz-chop: add a page accumulator for plain pages. Accumulate pages
+	  even for start=0, or tracks with no granuleshift, for cases where
+	  continued pages occur at the chop time.
+	* oggz-codecs: New tool
+	* oggz-comment: Handle duplicate comments, with unit test
+	Documentation:
+	* add oggz.1 man page
+	* add examples to chop, comment, dump, info, merge, rip and sort
+	  man pages
+	* update ChangeLog with info from all release_notes
+	* Add PATCHES file, update README
+	Public API:
+	* Add ability to limit seeks to only search inside a specified byte
+	  range. Adds oggz_bounded_seek_set() public API call.
+	* Updated shared version info to 7:0:6
+	Internal:
+	* Handle Theora version > 3.2.0 initial granulepos 1|0
+	* Fix data alignment on ARM (Erik de Castro Lopo, Chris Double,
+	  Vladimir Vukicevic)
+	* Fix for inefficient oggz_seek_units() (Sean Young)
+	* oggz_read: always set the internal offset to the start of the
+	  current page. This is returned by oggz_tell() and can be queried
+	  within a ReadPage callback.
+	* oggz_read: Fix packetno check for holes in headers. The packetno
+	  has not yet been incremented, so the value to check is off-by-one.
+	* Annodex #1581: avoid _oggz_comment_add_byname() strcmp of NULL
+	  (keelerda)
+	* Mozilla #499604, Annodex #486: avoid uninitialized variable in
+	  oggz_seek_end()
+	* Mozilla #506870: fix leaks in oggz-comments.c
+	* Mozilla #506878: check oggz_stream_get_content() return values
+	* Mozilla #515376: Check index in dirac_parse_info()
 Thu Apr 10 11:14:43 JST 2009 Conrad Parker <>
 	* Version 0.9.9
diff --git a/ b/
index 29465b4..8d9f857 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,10 +6,27 @@ AC_PREREQ(2.53)
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(liboggz, 0.9.9)
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(liboggz, 1.0.0)
+# Set the shared versioning info, according to section 6.3 of the libtool info #
+# pages. CURRENT:REVISION:AGE must be updated immediately before each release: #
+#                                                                              #
+#   * If the library source code has changed at all since the last             #
+#     update, then increment REVISION (`C:R:A' becomes `C:r+1:A').             #
+#                                                                              #
+#   * If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the         #
+#     last update, increment CURRENT, and set REVISION to 0.                   #
+#                                                                              #
+#   * If any interfaces have been added since the last public release,         #
+#     then increment AGE.                                                      #
+#                                                                              #
+#   * If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release,       #
+#     then set AGE to 0.                                                       #
+#                                                                              #
 # Checks for programs.
diff --git a/release_notes/liboggz-1.0.0.txt b/release_notes/liboggz-1.0.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04459d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release_notes/liboggz-1.0.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+Oggz 1.0.0 Release
+Oggz comprises liboggz and the tool oggz, which provides commands to
+inspect, edit and validate Ogg files. The oggz-chop tool can also be
+used to serve time ranges of Ogg media over HTTP by any web server that
+supports CGI.
+liboggz is a C library for reading and writing Ogg files and streams.
+It offers various features over the reference libogg, including
+support for seeking, validation and timestamp interpretation. Ogg is
+an interleaving data container developed by Monty at,
+originally to support the Ogg Vorbis audio format but now used for
+many free codecs including Dirac, FLAC, Speex and Theora.
+This release is available as a source tarball at:
+New in this release
+This is a stable maintenance release including the result of many months of
+security review and bug fixes included in the Mozilla Firefox 3.5 release.
+It is API and ABI backwards-compatible with all liboggz releases since 0.8.0
+(released Dec 18 2003).
+It includes build fixes and updates for embedded platforms including ARM
+and SH4, and updated Visual Studio project files for Microsoft Windows
+native builds. The default build environment uses GCC with GNU autotools.
+This release includes a new "oggz codecs" command, which simply lists the
+codecs present in one or more files. The default comma-separated output
+is designed for use in an HTML5 <video> codecs attribute.
+	* Updated Visual Studio project files (Barry Duncan)
+	* fix for arm, sh4 builds
+	* remove DocBook .sgml files, use .1 directly
+	* Debian #540360: use version script on GNU/kFreeBSD
+oggz tools
+	* oggz-chop: fix detection of accumulated continued pages, ie. when
+          all accumulated pages have granulepos -1 and thus should all be
+          kept when advancing the accumulator
+	* oggz-chop: add a page accumulator for plain pages. Accumulate pages
+          even for start=0, or tracks with no granuleshift, for cases where
+          continued pages occur at the chop time.
+	* oggz-codecs: New tool
+	* oggz-comment: Handle duplicate comments, with unit test
+	* add oggz.1 man page
+	* add examples to chop, comment, dump, info, merge, rip and sort
+	  man pages
+	* update ChangeLog with info from all release_notes
+	* Add PATCHES file, update README
+Public API
+	* Add ability to limit seeks to only search inside a specified byte
+	  range. Adds oggz_bounded_seek_set() public API call.
+	* Updated shared version info to 7:0:6
+	* Handle Theora version > 3.2.0 initial granulepos 1|0
+	* Fix data alignment on ARM (Erik de Castro Lopo, Chris Double,
+	  Vladimir Vukicevic)
+	* Fix for inefficient oggz_seek_units() (Sean Young)
+	* oggz_read: always set the internal offset to the start of the
+	  current page. This is returned by oggz_tell() and can be queried
+	  within a ReadPage callback.
+	* oggz_read: Fix packetno check for holes in headers. The packetno
+	  has not yet been incremented, so the value to check is off-by-one.
+	* Annodex #1581: avoid _oggz_comment_add_byname() strcmp of NULL
+	  (keelerda)
+	* Mozilla #499604, Annodex #486: avoid uninitialized variable in
+	  oggz_seek_end()
+	* Mozilla #506870: fix leaks in oggz-comments.c
+	* Mozilla #506878: check oggz_stream_get_content() return values
+	* Mozilla #515376: Check index in dirac_parse_info()
+About Oggz
+oggz tool
+Usage: oggz <subcommand> [options] filename ...
+oggz is a commandline tool for manipulating Ogg files. It supports
+multiplexed files conformant with RFC3533. Oggz can parse headers for
+CELT, CMML, FLAC, Kate, PCM, Speex, Theora and Vorbis, and can read and write
+Ogg Skeleton logical bitstreams.
+  help          Display help for a specific subcommand (eg. "oggz help chop")
+  codecs        Display the list of codecs found in one or more files and
+                their bitstreams.
+  diff          Hexdump the packets of two Ogg files and output differences.
+  dump          Hexdump packets of an Ogg file, or revert an Ogg file from
+                such a hexdump.
+  info          Display information about one or more Ogg files and their
+                bitstreams.
+  scan          Scan an Ogg file and output characteristic landmarks.
+  validate      Validate the Ogg framing of one or more files.
+  rip           Extract one or more logical bitstreams from an Ogg file.
+  chop          Extract the part of an Ogg file between given start and/or
+                end times.
+  comment       List or edit comments in an Ogg file.
+  merge         Merge Ogg files together, interleaving pages in order of
+                presentation time.
+  sort          Sort the pages of an Ogg file in order of presentation time.
+  known-codecs  List codecs known by this version of oggz
+The script bash-completion/oggz enables completion of tool options and codec
+names when using the bash shell. Source it from your .profile, or install it
+in /etc/bash_completion.d to enable it system-wide.
+liboggz supports the flexibility afforded by the Ogg file format while
+presenting the following API niceties:
+        * Full API documentation
+        * Comprehensive test suite of read, write and seeking behavior.
+        The entire test suite can be run under valgrind if available.
+        * Developed and tested on GNU/Linux, Darwin/MacOSX, Win32 and
+        Symbian OS. May work on other Unix-like systems via GNU autoconf.
+        For Win32: nmake Makefiles, Visual Studio .NET 2003 solution files
+        and Visual C++ 6.0 workspace files are provided in the source
+        distribution.
+        * Strict adherence to the formatting requirements of Ogg bitstreams,
+        to ensure that only valid bitstreams are generated; writes can fail
+        if you try to write illegally structured packets.
+        * A simple, callback based open/read/close or open/write/close
+        interface to raw Ogg files.
+        * Writing automatically interleaves with packet queuing, and provides
+        callback based notification when this queue is empty
+        * A customisable seeking abstraction for seeking on multitrack Ogg
+        data. Seeking works easily and reliably on multitrack and multi-codec
+        streams, and can transparently parse Theora, Speex, Vorbis, FLAC,
+        CMML, CELT and Ogg Skeleton headers without requiring linking to those
+        libraries. This allows efficient use on servers and other devices
+        that need to parse and seek within Ogg files, but do not need to do
+        a full media decode.
+Full documentation of the liboggz API, customization and installation,
+and mux and demux examples can be read online at:
+Oggz is Free Software, available under a BSD style license.
+More information is available online at the Oggz homepage:
+enjoy :)
+Conrad Parker, Annodex Association