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  • Timothy B. Terriberry's avatar
    Fix the side frame conditional coding rules. · 53cc1a03
    Timothy B. Terriberry authored and Jean-Marc Valin's avatar Jean-Marc Valin committed
    b24e5746 introduced changes to LastGainIndex which broke
     conditional coding for side frames after a mid-only frame (i.e.,
     in a 60 ms frame where the side is coded, not coded, then coded
    These rules were a mess in general, however, because the side
     channel state kept a different nFramesDecoded count from the mid
     channel state, and had no way to tell if the prior side frame was
    This patch attempts to rationalize them by moving the conditional
     coding decision up to the top level, where all this information is
    The first coded side frame after an uncoded side frame now always
     uses independent coding.
    If such a frame is also not the first side frame in an Opus frame,
     then it doesn't include an LTP scaling parameter (because the LTP
     state is well-defined).