diff --git a/doc/build_draft.sh b/doc/build_draft.sh
index 7809ee839aca69e9cf86405e58aa8e9e7b8441eb..dabdf017a2977617e711c658dca539b76110fff2 100755
--- a/doc/build_draft.sh
+++ b/doc/build_draft.sh
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ cp -a "${toplevel}"/README.draft "${destdir}"/README
 cp -a "${toplevel}"/COPYING "${destdir}"/COPYING
 cp -a "${toplevel}"/tests/run_vectors.sh "${destdir}"/
-tar czf opus_source.tar.gz "${destdir}"
+GZIP=-9 tar --owner=root --group=root --old-archive -czf opus_source.tar.gz "${destdir}"
 echo building base64 version
 cat opus_source.tar.gz| base64 | tr -d '\n' | fold -w 64 | \
  sed -e 's/^/\<spanx style="vbare"\>###/' -e 's/$/\<\/spanx\>\<vspace\/\>/' > \
diff --git a/doc/draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml b/doc/draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml
index 7b043c594cf070f2a3646283528d2549426671a6..97e9ae3776e27b51c6079e620db174ae96af1464 100644
--- a/doc/draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml
+++ b/doc/draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml
@@ -5115,6 +5115,51 @@ controlling the use of remaining bits at the end of the frame, and a
 remaining balance of unallocated space, which is usually zero except
 at very high rates.</t>
+The "static" bit allocation (in 1/8 bits) for a quality q, excluding the minimums, maximums, 
+tilt and boosts, is equal to channels*N*alloc[band][q]&lt;&lt;LM&gt;&gt;2, where 
+alloc[][] is given in <xref target="static_alloc"/> and LM=log2(frame_size/120). The allocation
+is obtained by linearly interpolating between two values of q (in steps of 1/64) to find the
+highest allocation that does not exceed the number of bits remaining.
+<texttable anchor="static_alloc"
+ title="CELT static allocation table">
+ <preamble>Rows indicate the MDCT bands, columns are the different quality (q) parameters. The units are 1/32 bit per MDCT sample.</preamble>
+<ttcol align="right">0</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">1</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">2</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">3</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">4</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">5</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">6</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">7</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">8</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">9</ttcol>
+<ttcol align="right">10</ttcol>
 <t>The maximum allocation vector is an approximation of the maximum space
 that can be used by each band for a given mode. The value is
 approximate because the shape encoding is variable rate (due
@@ -5123,8 +5168,11 @@ maximum achievable quality in a band while setting it too high
 may result in waste: bitstream capacity available at the end
 of the frame which can not be put to any use. The maximums
 specified by the codec reflect the average maximum. In the reference
-implementation, the maximums are provided in partially computed form, in order to fit in less
-memory as a static table (see cache_caps50[] in static_modes_float.h). Implementations are expected
+implementation, the maximums in bit/sample are precomputed in a static table 
+(see cache_caps50[] in static_modes_float.h) for each band,
+for each value of LM, and for both mono and stereo. 
+Implementations are expected
 to simply use the same table data, but the procedure for generating
 this table is included in rate.c as part of compute_pulse_cache().</t>
@@ -5132,7 +5180,7 @@ this table is included in rate.c as part of compute_pulse_cache().</t>
 set nbBands to the maximum number of bands for this mode, and stereo to
 zero if stereo is not in use and one otherwise. For each band set N
 to the number of MDCT bins covered by the band (for one channel), set LM
-to the shift value for the frame size (log2(frame_size/120)),
+to the shift value for the frame size,
 then set i to nbBands*(2*LM+stereo). Then set the maximum for the band to
 the i-th index of cache.caps + 64 and multiply by the number of channels
 in the current frame (one or two) and by N, then divide the result by 4