From 641eea83b8be472d19956a917a436861ba43c1f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Giles <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 10:06:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Regularize whitespace in the src directory.

Remove trailing whitespace, convert tabs to 4 spaces, re-align
test_opus to use 4-space indents instead of 3, and re-wrap some
long lines.
 src/opus.h         |  31 +--
 src/opus_decoder.c |   2 +-
 src/opus_encoder.c | 286 +++++++++++------------
 src/opus_encoder.h |  17 +-
 src/test_opus.c    | 560 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 5 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 447 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/opus.h b/src/opus.h
index 6bbd65825..2d2fdffb3 100644
--- a/src/opus.h
+++ b/src/opus.h
@@ -148,16 +148,18 @@ extern "C" {
 typedef struct OpusEncoder OpusEncoder;
 typedef struct OpusDecoder OpusDecoder;
- * There are two coding modes: 
- * OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP gives best quality at a given bitrate for voice signals. It enhances the 
- *    input signal by high-pass filtering and emphasizing formants and harmonics. Optionally
- *    it includes in-band forward error correction to protect against packet loss. Use this
- *    mode for typical VoIP applications. Because of the enhancement, even at high bitrates
- *    the output may sound different from the input.
- * OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO gives best quality at a given bitrate for most non-voice signals like music.
- *    Use this mode for music and mixed (music/voice) content, broadcast, and applications requiring less 
- *    than 15 ms of coding delay. 
+ * There are two coding modes:
+ * OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP gives best quality at a given bitrate for voice
+ *    signals. It enhances the  input signal by high-pass filtering and
+ *    emphasizing formants and harmonics. Optionally  it includes in-band
+ *    forward error correction to protect against packet loss. Use this
+ *    mode for typical VoIP applications. Because of the enhancement,
+ *    even at high bitrates the output may sound different from the input.
+ * OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO gives best quality at a given bitrate for most
+ *    non-voice signals like music. Use this mode for music and mixed
+ *    (music/voice) content, broadcast, and applications requiring less
+ *    than 15 ms of coding delay.
 /* Returns initialized encoder state */
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ OPUS_EXPORT OpusEncoder *opus_encoder_init(
 /* Returns length of the data payload (in bytes) */
 OPUS_EXPORT int opus_encode(
     OpusEncoder *st,            /* Encoder state */
-    const opus_int16 *pcm,           /* Input signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is frame_size*channels */
+    const opus_int16 *pcm,      /* Input signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is frame_size*channels */
     int frame_size,             /* Number of samples per frame of input signal */
     unsigned char *data,        /* Output payload (no more than max_data_bytes long) */
     int max_data_bytes          /* Allocated memory for payload; don't use for controlling bitrate */
@@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ OPUS_EXPORT OpusDecoder *opus_decoder_create(
     int channels                /* Number of channels (1/2) in output signal */
-OPUS_EXPORT OpusDecoder *opus_decoder_init(OpusDecoder *st, 
+OPUS_EXPORT OpusDecoder *opus_decoder_init(OpusDecoder *st,
     int Fs,                     /* Sampling rate of output signal (Hz) */
     int channels                /* Number of channels (1/2) in output signal */
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ OPUS_EXPORT int opus_decode(
     OpusDecoder *st,            /* Decoder state */
     const unsigned char *data,  /* Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss */
     int len,                    /* Number of bytes in payload */
-    opus_int16 *pcm,                 /* Output signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is frame_size*channels */
+    opus_int16 *pcm,            /* Output signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is frame_size*channels */
     int frame_size,             /* Number of samples per frame of input signal */
     int decode_fec              /* Flag (0/1) to request that any in-band forward error correction data be */
                                 /* decoded. If no such data is available the frame is decoded as if it were lost. */
@@ -222,7 +224,8 @@ OPUS_EXPORT const char *opus_strerror(int error);
 OPUS_EXPORT const char *opus_get_version_string(void);
-/* For testing purposes: the encoder and decoder state should always be identical after coding a payload */
+/* For testing purposes: the encoder and decoder state should
+   always be identical after coding a payload */
 OPUS_EXPORT int opus_encoder_get_final_range(OpusEncoder *st);
 OPUS_EXPORT int opus_decoder_get_final_range(OpusDecoder *st);
diff --git a/src/opus_decoder.c b/src/opus_decoder.c
index 305589c8b..58c51cfff 100644
--- a/src/opus_decoder.c
+++ b/src/opus_decoder.c
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ static int opus_decode_frame(OpusDecoder *st, const unsigned char *data,
         do {
             /* Call SILK decoder */
             int first_frame = decoded_samples == 0;
-            silk_ret = silk_Decode( silk_dec, &DecControl, 
+            silk_ret = silk_Decode( silk_dec, &DecControl,
                 lost_flag, first_frame, &dec, pcm_ptr, &silk_frame_size );
             if( silk_ret ) {
             	if (lost_flag) {
diff --git a/src/opus_encoder.c b/src/opus_encoder.c
index 432fe3398..9f8314825 100644
--- a/src/opus_encoder.c
+++ b/src/opus_encoder.c
@@ -59,28 +59,27 @@ static const int audio_bandwidth_thresholds[10] = {
    on really weird architectures) */
 static inline int align(int i)
-	return (i+3)&-4;
+    return (i+3)&-4;
 int opus_encoder_get_size(int channels)
-	int silkEncSizeBytes, celtEncSizeBytes;
-	int ret;
-	ret = silk_Get_Encoder_Size( &silkEncSizeBytes );
-	if(ret)
-		return 0;
-	silkEncSizeBytes = align(silkEncSizeBytes);
+    int silkEncSizeBytes, celtEncSizeBytes;
+    int ret;
+    ret = silk_Get_Encoder_Size( &silkEncSizeBytes );
+    if(ret)
+        return 0;
+    silkEncSizeBytes = align(silkEncSizeBytes);
     celtEncSizeBytes = celt_encoder_get_size(channels);
     return align(sizeof(OpusEncoder))+silkEncSizeBytes+celtEncSizeBytes;
 OpusEncoder *opus_encoder_init(OpusEncoder* st, int Fs, int channels, int application)
-	void *silk_enc;
-	CELTEncoder *celt_enc;
+    void *silk_enc;
+    CELTEncoder *celt_enc;
     int err;
-	int ret, silkEncSizeBytes;
+    int ret, silkEncSizeBytes;
     if (channels > 2 || channels<1)
         return NULL;
@@ -127,28 +126,29 @@ OpusEncoder *opus_encoder_init(OpusEncoder* st, int Fs, int channels, int applic
     st->hybrid_stereo_width_Q14             = 1 << 14;
     /* Create CELT encoder */
-	/* Initialize CELT encoder */
-	celt_encoder_init(celt_enc, Fs, channels, &err);
-	if (err != CELT_OK)
+    /* Initialize CELT encoder */
+    celt_encoder_init(celt_enc, Fs, channels, &err);
+    if (err != CELT_OK)
 		goto failure;
     celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_SIGNALLING(0));
-	st->mode = MODE_HYBRID;
-	st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND;
-	st->use_vbr = 0;
+    st->mode = MODE_HYBRID;
+    st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND;
+    st->use_vbr = 0;
     st->user_bitrate_bps = OPUS_BITRATE_AUTO;
-	st->bitrate_bps = 3000+Fs*channels;
-	st->user_mode = application;
-	st->signal_type = OPUS_SIGNAL_AUTO;
-	st->user_bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_AUTO;
-	st->voice_ratio = 90;
-	st->first = 1;
-	st->encoder_buffer = st->Fs/100;
-	st->delay_compensation = st->Fs/400;
-	if (st->Fs > 16000)
-		st->delay_compensation += 10;
-	return st;
+    st->bitrate_bps = 3000+Fs*channels;
+    st->user_mode = application;
+    st->signal_type = OPUS_SIGNAL_AUTO;
+    st->user_bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_AUTO;
+    st->voice_ratio = 90;
+    st->first = 1;
+    st->encoder_buffer = st->Fs/100;
+    st->delay_compensation = st->Fs/400;
+    if (st->Fs > 16000)
+        st->delay_compensation += 10;
+    return st;
     return NULL;
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ OpusEncoder *opus_encoder_create(int Fs, int channels, int mode)
 int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
 		unsigned char *data, int max_data_bytes)
-	void *silk_enc;
-	CELTEncoder *celt_enc;
+    void *silk_enc;
+    CELTEncoder *celt_enc;
     int i;
-	int ret=0;
-	int nBytes;
-	ec_enc enc;
-	int framerate, period;
+    int ret=0;
+    int nBytes;
+    ec_enc enc;
+    int framerate, period;
     int silk_internal_bandwidth=-1;
     int bytes_target;
     int prefill=0;
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
     int redundancy = 0;
     int redundancy_bytes = 0;
     int celt_to_silk = 0;
-    /* TODO: This is 60 only so we can handle 60ms speech/audio switching 
+    /* TODO: This is 60 only so we can handle 60ms speech/audio switching
        it shouldn't be too hard to reduce to 20 ms if needed */
     opus_int16 pcm_buf[60*48*2];
     int nb_compr_bytes;
@@ -263,44 +263,44 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
     /* Automatic (rate-dependent) bandwidth selection */
     if (st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY || st->first || st->silk_mode.allowBandwidthSwitch)
-    	const int *bandwidth_thresholds;
-    	int bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND;
-    	bandwidth_thresholds = st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY ? audio_bandwidth_thresholds : voice_bandwidth_thresholds;
-    	do {
-    		int threshold, hysteresis;
-    		threshold = bandwidth_thresholds[2*(bandwidth-OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND)];
-    		hysteresis = bandwidth_thresholds[2*(bandwidth-OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND)+1];
-    		if (!st->first)
-    		{
-    			if (st->bandwidth >= bandwidth)
-    				threshold -= hysteresis;
-    			else
-    				threshold += hysteresis;
-    		}
-    		if (mono_rate >= threshold)
-    			break;
-    	} while (--bandwidth>OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND);
-    	st->bandwidth = bandwidth;
-    	/* Prevents any transition to SWB/FB until the SILK layer has fully
-    	   switched to WB mode and turned the variable LP filter off */
-    	if (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && !st->silk_mode.inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP && st->bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND)
-    		st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND;
+        const int *bandwidth_thresholds;
+        int bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND;
+        bandwidth_thresholds = st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY ? audio_bandwidth_thresholds : voice_bandwidth_thresholds;
+        do {
+            int threshold, hysteresis;
+            threshold = bandwidth_thresholds[2*(bandwidth-OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND)];
+            hysteresis = bandwidth_thresholds[2*(bandwidth-OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND)+1];
+            if (!st->first)
+            {
+                if (st->bandwidth >= bandwidth)
+                    threshold -= hysteresis;
+                else
+                    threshold += hysteresis;
+            }
+            if (mono_rate >= threshold)
+                break;
+        } while (--bandwidth>OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND);
+        st->bandwidth = bandwidth;
+        /* Prevents any transition to SWB/FB until the SILK layer has fully
+           switched to WB mode and turned the variable LP filter off */
+        if (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && !st->silk_mode.inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP && st->bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND)
+            st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND;
     /* Prevents Opus from wasting bits on frequencies that are above
        the Nyquist rate of the input signal */
     if (st->Fs <= 24000 && st->bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND)
+        st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND;
     if (st->Fs <= 16000 && st->bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND)
-    	st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND;
+        st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND;
     if (st->Fs <= 12000 && st->bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND)
-    	st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND;
+        st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND;
     if (st->Fs <= 8000 && st->bandwidth > OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND)
-    	st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND;
+        st->bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND;
     if (st->user_bandwidth != OPUS_BANDWIDTH_AUTO)
-    	st->bandwidth = st->user_bandwidth;
+        st->bandwidth = st->user_bandwidth;
     /* Preventing nonsensical configurations, i.e. modes that don't exist */
@@ -321,37 +321,37 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
     if (st->mode == MODE_HYBRID && st->bandwidth <= OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND)
         st->mode = MODE_SILK_ONLY;
-	bytes_target = st->bitrate_bps * frame_size / (st->Fs * 8) - 1;
+    bytes_target = st->bitrate_bps * frame_size / (st->Fs * 8) - 1;
-	data += 1;
-	if (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY)
-	{
-		silk_EncControlStruct dummy;
-		silk_InitEncoder( silk_enc, &dummy);
-		prefill=1;
-	}
-	if (st->prev_mode > 0 &&
-	       ((st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY) ||
-	        (st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY)))
-	{
-	    redundancy = 1;
-	    celt_to_silk = (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY);
-	    if (!celt_to_silk)
-	    {
-	        /* Switch to SILK/hybrid if frame size is 10 ms or more*/
-	        if (frame_size >= st->Fs/100)
-	        {
-		        st->mode = st->prev_mode;
-		        to_celt = 1;
-	        } else {
-	        	redundancy=0;
-	        }
-	    }
+    data += 1;
+    if (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY)
+    {
+        silk_EncControlStruct dummy;
+        silk_InitEncoder( silk_enc, &dummy);
+        prefill=1;
+    }
+    if (st->prev_mode > 0 &&
+        ((st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY) ||
+	 (st->mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY && st->prev_mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY)))
+    {
+        redundancy = 1;
+        celt_to_silk = (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY);
+        if (!celt_to_silk)
+        {
+            /* Switch to SILK/hybrid if frame size is 10 ms or more*/
+            if (frame_size >= st->Fs/100)
+            {
+                st->mode = st->prev_mode;
+                to_celt = 1;
+            } else {
+                redundancy=0;
+            }
+    }
-	ec_enc_init(&enc, data, max_data_bytes-1);
+    ec_enc_init(&enc, data, max_data_bytes-1);
-	/* SILK processing */
+    /* SILK processing */
     if (st->mode != MODE_CELT_ONLY)
         st->silk_mode.bitRate = st->bitrate_bps - 8*st->Fs/frame_size;
@@ -385,9 +385,9 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
         st->silk_mode.nChannelsAPI = st->channels;
         st->silk_mode.nChannelsInternal = st->stream_channels;
         if (st->bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND) {
-        	st->silk_mode.desiredInternalSampleRate = 8000;
+            st->silk_mode.desiredInternalSampleRate = 8000;
         } else if (st->bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND) {
-        	st->silk_mode.desiredInternalSampleRate = 12000;
+            st->silk_mode.desiredInternalSampleRate = 12000;
         } else {
             SKP_assert( st->mode == MODE_HYBRID || st->bandwidth == OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND );
             st->silk_mode.desiredInternalSampleRate = 16000;
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
         if (prefill)
             int zero=0;
-        	silk_Encode( silk_enc, &st->silk_mode, st->delay_buffer, st->encoder_buffer, NULL, &zero, 1 );
+            silk_Encode( silk_enc, &st->silk_mode, st->delay_buffer, st->encoder_buffer, NULL, &zero, 1 );
         ret = silk_Encode( silk_enc, &st->silk_mode, pcm, frame_size, &enc, &nBytes, 0 );
@@ -430,42 +430,42 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
     /* CELT processing */
-	{
-	    int endband=21;
-	    switch(st->bandwidth)
-	    {
-	    	endband = 13;
-	    	break;
+    {
+        int endband=21;
+        switch(st->bandwidth)
+        {
+                endband = 13;
+                break;
-	    	endband = 17;
-	    	break;
-	    	endband = 19;
-	    	break;
-	    	endband = 21;
-	    	break;
-	    }
-	    celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_END_BAND(endband));
-	    celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_CHANNELS(st->stream_channels));
-	}
-	if (st->mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY)
-	{
+	        endband = 17;
+	        break;
+                endband = 19;
+                break;
+            case OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND:
+                endband = 21;
+                break;
+        }
+        celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_END_BAND(endband));
+        celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_CHANNELS(st->stream_channels));
+    }
+    if (st->mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY)
+    {
         celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_VBR(0));
         celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_BITRATE(510000));
         if (st->prev_mode == MODE_SILK_ONLY)
-        	unsigned char dummy[10];
-        	celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_RESET_STATE);
-        	celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_START_BAND(0));
-        	celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_PREDICTION(0));
-        	/* TODO: This wastes CPU a bit compared to just prefilling the buffer */
-        	celt_encode(celt_enc, &st->delay_buffer[(st->encoder_buffer-st->delay_compensation-st->Fs/400)*st->channels], st->Fs/400, dummy, 10);
+            unsigned char dummy[10];
+            celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_RESET_STATE);
+            celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_START_BAND(0));
+            celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_PREDICTION(0));
+            /* TODO: This wastes CPU a bit compared to just prefilling the buffer */
+            celt_encode(celt_enc, &st->delay_buffer[(st->encoder_buffer-st->delay_compensation-st->Fs/400)*st->channels], st->Fs/400, dummy, 10);
         } else {
-        	celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_PREDICTION(2));
+            celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_PREDICTION(2));
         if (st->mode == MODE_HYBRID)
@@ -492,9 +492,9 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
         ec_enc_shrink(&enc, nb_compr_bytes);
-	} else {
-	    nb_compr_bytes = 0;
-	}
+    } else {
+        nb_compr_bytes = 0;
+    }
     for (i=0;i<IMIN(frame_size, st->delay_compensation)*st->channels;i++)
         pcm_buf[i] = st->delay_buffer[(st->encoder_buffer-st->delay_compensation)*st->channels+i];
@@ -558,9 +558,9 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
     celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, CELT_SET_START_BAND(start_band));
     if (st->mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY)
-	{
-	    ret = celt_encode_with_ec(celt_enc, pcm_buf, frame_size, NULL, nb_compr_bytes, &enc);
-	}
+    {
+        ret = celt_encode_with_ec(celt_enc, pcm_buf, frame_size, NULL, nb_compr_bytes, &enc);
+    }
     /* 5 ms redundant frame for SILK->CELT */
     if (redundancy && !celt_to_silk)
@@ -587,20 +587,20 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
     } else {
     	int tmp = st->encoder_buffer-frame_size;
     	for (i=0;i<tmp*st->channels;i++)
-    		st->delay_buffer[i] = st->delay_buffer[i+frame_size*st->channels];
+            st->delay_buffer[i] = st->delay_buffer[i+frame_size*st->channels];
     	for (i=0;i<frame_size*st->channels;i++)
-    		st->delay_buffer[tmp*st->channels+i] = pcm[i];
+            st->delay_buffer[tmp*st->channels+i] = pcm[i];
-	/* Signalling the mode in the first byte */
-	data--;
-	framerate = st->Fs/frame_size;
-	period = 0;
-	while (framerate < 400)
-	{
-	    framerate <<= 1;
-	    period++;
-	}
+    /* Signalling the mode in the first byte */
+    data--;
+    framerate = st->Fs/frame_size;
+    period = 0;
+    while (framerate < 400)
+    {
+        framerate <<= 1;
+        period++;
+    }
     if (st->mode == MODE_SILK_ONLY)
         data[0] = (silk_internal_bandwidth-OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND)<<5;
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ int opus_encode(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_int16 *pcm, int frame_size,
 int opus_encoder_ctl(OpusEncoder *st, int request, ...)
-	CELTEncoder *celt_enc;
+    CELTEncoder *celt_enc;
     va_list ap;
     va_start(ap, request);
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ bad_arg:
 void opus_encoder_destroy(OpusEncoder *st)
-	free(st);
+    free(st);
 int opus_encoder_get_final_range(OpusEncoder *st)
diff --git a/src/opus_encoder.h b/src/opus_encoder.h
index 790083571..73e862e11 100644
--- a/src/opus_encoder.h
+++ b/src/opus_encoder.h
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@
 struct OpusEncoder {
-	int          celt_enc_offset;
-	int          silk_enc_offset;
-	silk_EncControlStruct silk_mode;
+    int          celt_enc_offset;
+    int          silk_enc_offset;
+    silk_EncControlStruct silk_mode;
     int          hybrid_stereo_width_Q14;
-	int          channels;
-	int          stream_channels;
+    int          channels;
+    int          stream_channels;
     int          force_mono;
     int          mode;
     int          user_mode;
     int          prev_mode;
     int          signal_type;
-	int          bandwidth;
-	int          user_bandwidth;
-	int          voice_ratio;
+    int          bandwidth;
+    int          user_bandwidth;
+    int          voice_ratio;
     /* Sampling rate (at the API level) */
     int          Fs;
     int          use_vbr;
@@ -67,4 +67,3 @@ struct OpusEncoder {
 #endif /* OPUS_ENCODER_H */
diff --git a/src/test_opus.c b/src/test_opus.c
index 55e1c9e96..2771cb693 100644
--- a/src/test_opus.c
+++ b/src/test_opus.c
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #define MAX_PACKET 1500
-void print_usage( char* argv[] ) 
+void print_usage( char* argv[] )
     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-e | -d] <application (0/1)> <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels (1/2)> "
         "<bits per second>  [options] <input> <output>\n\n", argv[0]);
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ void print_usage( char* argv[] )
 #ifdef _WIN32
-#	define STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE(x, y) _stricmp(x, y)
+#   define STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE(x, y) _stricmp(x, y)
-#	define STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE(x, y) strcasecmp(x, y)
+#   define STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE(x, y) strcasecmp(x, y)
 static void int_to_char(opus_uint32 i, unsigned char ch[4])
@@ -82,85 +82,85 @@ static opus_uint32 char_to_int(unsigned char ch[4])
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-   int err;
-   char *inFile, *outFile;
-   FILE *fin, *fout;
-   OpusEncoder *enc;
-   OpusDecoder *dec;
-   int args;
-   int len[2];
-   int frame_size, channels;
-   int bitrate_bps;
-   unsigned char *data[2];
-   int sampling_rate;
-   int use_vbr;
-   int max_payload_bytes;
-   int complexity;
-   int use_inbandfec;
-   int use_dtx;
-   int forcemono;
-   int cvbr = 0;
-   int packet_loss_perc;
-   int count=0, count_act=0, k;
-   int skip;
-   int stop=0;
-   int tot_read=0, tot_written=0;
-   short *in, *out;
-   int application;
-   double bits=0.0, bits_act=0.0, bits2=0.0, nrg;
-   int bandwidth=-1;
-   const char *bandwidth_string;
-   int write_samples;
-   int lost = 0, lost_prev = 1;
-   int toggle = 0;
-   int enc_final_range[2];
-   int encode_only=0, decode_only=0;
+    int err;
+    char *inFile, *outFile;
+    FILE *fin, *fout;
+    OpusEncoder *enc;
+    OpusDecoder *dec;
+    int args;
+    int len[2];
+    int frame_size, channels;
+    int bitrate_bps;
+    unsigned char *data[2];
+    int sampling_rate;
+    int use_vbr;
+    int max_payload_bytes;
+    int complexity;
+    int use_inbandfec;
+    int use_dtx;
+    int forcemono;
+    int cvbr = 0;
+    int packet_loss_perc;
+    int count=0, count_act=0, k;
+    int skip;
+    int stop=0;
+    int tot_read=0, tot_written=0;
+    short *in, *out;
+    int application;
+    double bits=0.0, bits_act=0.0, bits2=0.0, nrg;
+    int bandwidth=-1;
+    const char *bandwidth_string;
+    int write_samples;
+    int lost = 0, lost_prev = 1;
+    int toggle = 0;
+    int enc_final_range[2];
+    int encode_only=0, decode_only=0;
-   if (argc < 7 )
-   {
-      print_usage( argv );
-      return 1;
-   }
+    if (argc < 7 )
+    {
+       print_usage( argv );
+       return 1;
+    }
-   if (strcmp(argv[1], "-e")==0)
-   {
-       encode_only = 1;
-       argv++;
-       argc--;
-   } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d")==0)
-   {
-       decode_only = 1;
-       argv++;
-       argc--;
-   }
-   application = atoi(argv[1]) + OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP;
-   sampling_rate = atoi(argv[2]);
-   channels = atoi(argv[3]);
-   bitrate_bps = atoi(argv[4]);
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "-e")==0)
+    {
+        encode_only = 1;
+        argv++;
+        argc--;
+    } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d")==0)
+    {
+        decode_only = 1;
+        argv++;
+        argc--;
+    }
+    application = atoi(argv[1]) + OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP;
+    sampling_rate = atoi(argv[2]);
+    channels = atoi(argv[3]);
+    bitrate_bps = atoi(argv[4]);
-   if (sampling_rate != 8000 && sampling_rate != 12000 && sampling_rate != 16000
-           && sampling_rate != 24000 && sampling_rate != 48000)
-   {
-       fprintf(stderr, "Supported sampling rates are 8000, 12000, 16000, "
-               "24000 and 48000.\n");
-       return 1;
-   }
-   frame_size = sampling_rate/50;
+    if (sampling_rate != 8000 && sampling_rate != 12000 && sampling_rate != 16000
+     && sampling_rate != 24000 && sampling_rate != 48000)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Supported sampling rates are 8000, 12000, 16000, "
+                "24000 and 48000.\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    frame_size = sampling_rate/50;
-   /* defaults: */
-   use_vbr = 1;
-   bandwidth=OPUS_BANDWIDTH_AUTO;
-   max_payload_bytes = MAX_PACKET;
-   complexity = 10;
-   use_inbandfec = 0;
-   forcemono = 0;
-   use_dtx = 0;
-   packet_loss_perc = 0;
-   int max_frame_size = 960*3;
+    /* defaults: */
+    use_vbr = 1;
+    bandwidth = OPUS_BANDWIDTH_AUTO;
+    max_payload_bytes = MAX_PACKET;
+    complexity = 10;
+    use_inbandfec = 0;
+    forcemono = 0;
+    use_dtx = 0;
+    packet_loss_perc = 0;
+    int max_frame_size = 960*3;
-   args = 5;
-   while( args < argc - 2 ) {
-       /* process command line options */
+    args = 5;
+    while( args < argc - 2 ) {
+        /* process command line options */
         if( STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-cbr" ) == 0 ) {
             use_vbr = 0;
@@ -224,221 +224,221 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             print_usage( argv );
             return 1;
-   }
+    }
-   if( application < OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP || application > OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO) {
-      fprintf (stderr, "mode must be: 0 or 1\n");
-      return 1;
-   }
+    if( application < OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP || application > OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO) {
+        fprintf (stderr, "mode must be: 0 or 1\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
-   if (max_payload_bytes < 0 || max_payload_bytes > MAX_PACKET)
-   {
-      fprintf (stderr, "max_payload_bytes must be between 0 and %d\n",
-                        MAX_PACKET);
-      return 1;
-   }
-   if (bitrate_bps < 0 || bitrate_bps*frame_size/sampling_rate > max_payload_bytes*8)
-   {
-      fprintf (stderr, "bytes per packet must be between 0 and %d\n",
-                        max_payload_bytes);
-      return 1;
-   }
+    if (max_payload_bytes < 0 || max_payload_bytes > MAX_PACKET)
+    {
+        fprintf (stderr, "max_payload_bytes must be between 0 and %d\n",
+                          MAX_PACKET);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (bitrate_bps < 0 || bitrate_bps*frame_size/sampling_rate > max_payload_bytes*8)
+    {
+        fprintf (stderr, "bytes per packet must be between 0 and %d\n",
+                          max_payload_bytes);
+        return 1;
+    }
-   inFile = argv[argc-2];
-   fin = fopen(inFile, "rb");
-   if (!fin)
-   {
-      fprintf (stderr, "Could not open input file %s\n", argv[argc-2]);
-      return 1;
-   }
-   outFile = argv[argc-1];
-   fout = fopen(outFile, "wb+");
-   if (!fout)
-   {
-      fprintf (stderr, "Could not open output file %s\n", argv[argc-1]);
-      return 1;
-   }
+    inFile = argv[argc-2];
+    fin = fopen(inFile, "rb");
+    if (!fin)
+    {
+        fprintf (stderr, "Could not open input file %s\n", argv[argc-2]);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    outFile = argv[argc-1];
+    fout = fopen(outFile, "wb+");
+    if (!fout)
+    {
+        fprintf (stderr, "Could not open output file %s\n", argv[argc-1]);
+        return 1;
+    }
-   enc = opus_encoder_create(sampling_rate, channels, application);
-   dec = opus_decoder_create(sampling_rate, channels);
+    enc = opus_encoder_create(sampling_rate, channels, application);
+    dec = opus_decoder_create(sampling_rate, channels);
-   if (enc==NULL)
-   {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create an encoder\n");
-      exit(1);
-   }
-   if (dec==NULL)
-   {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create a decoder\n");
-      exit(1);
-   }
+    if (enc==NULL)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create an encoder\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if (dec==NULL)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create a decoder\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate_bps));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH(bandwidth));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_VBR_FLAG(use_vbr));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_VBR_CONSTRAINT(cvbr));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(complexity));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_INBAND_FEC_FLAG(use_inbandfec));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_FORCE_MONO(forcemono));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_DTX_FLAG(use_dtx));
-   opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_PACKET_LOSS_PERC(packet_loss_perc));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate_bps));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_BANDWIDTH(bandwidth));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_VBR_FLAG(use_vbr));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_VBR_CONSTRAINT(cvbr));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(complexity));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_INBAND_FEC_FLAG(use_inbandfec));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_FORCE_MONO(forcemono));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_DTX_FLAG(use_dtx));
+    opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_PACKET_LOSS_PERC(packet_loss_perc));
-   skip = 5*sampling_rate/1000;
-   /* When SILK resamples, add 18 samples delay */
-   /*if (mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY || sampling_rate > 16000)
-	   skip += 18;*/
+    skip = 5*sampling_rate/1000;
+    /* When SILK resamples, add 18 samples delay */
+    /*if (mode != MODE_SILK_ONLY || sampling_rate > 16000)
+        skip += 18;*/
-   switch(bandwidth)
-   {
-	   bandwidth_string = "narrowband";
-	   break;
-	   bandwidth_string = "mediumband";
-	   break;
-	   bandwidth_string = "wideband";
-	   break;
-	   bandwidth_string = "superwideband";
-	   break;
-	   bandwidth_string = "fullband";
-	   break;
-	   bandwidth_string = "auto";
-	   break;
-   default:
-	   bandwidth_string = "unknown";
-   }
+    switch(bandwidth)
+    {
+         bandwidth_string = "narrowband";
+         break;
+         bandwidth_string = "mediumband";
+         break;
+         bandwidth_string = "wideband";
+         break;
+         bandwidth_string = "superwideband";
+         break;
+         bandwidth_string = "fullband";
+         break;
+         bandwidth_string = "auto";
+         break;
+    default:
+         bandwidth_string = "unknown";
+    }
-   fprintf(stderr, "Encoding %d Hz input at %.3f kb/s in %s mode with %d-sample frames.\n", sampling_rate, bitrate_bps*0.001, bandwidth_string, frame_size);
+    fprintf(stderr, "Encoding %d Hz input at %.3f kb/s in %s mode with %d-sample frames.\n", sampling_rate, bitrate_bps*0.001, bandwidth_string, frame_size);
-   in = (short*)malloc(frame_size*channels*sizeof(short));
-   out = (short*)malloc(max_frame_size*channels*sizeof(short));
-   data[0] = (unsigned char*)calloc(max_payload_bytes,sizeof(char));
-   if( use_inbandfec ) {
-       data[1] = (unsigned char*)calloc(max_payload_bytes,sizeof(char));
-   }
-   while (!stop)
-   {
-      if (decode_only)
-      {
-          unsigned char ch[4];
-          err = fread(ch, 1, 4, fin);
-          len[toggle] = char_to_int(ch);
-          if (len[toggle]>max_payload_bytes || len[toggle]<0)
-          {
-        	  fprintf(stderr, "Invalid payload length\n");
-        	  break;
-          }
-          err = fread(ch, 1, 4, fin);
-          enc_final_range[toggle] = char_to_int(ch);
-          err = fread(data[toggle], 1, len[toggle], fin);
-          if (feof(fin))
-              break;
-          tot_read += frame_size*channels;
-      } else {
-          err = fread(in, sizeof(short), frame_size*channels, fin);
-          tot_read += err;
-          if (err < frame_size*channels)
-          {
-              int i;
-              for (i=err;i<frame_size*channels;i++)
-                  in[i] = 0;
-              stop = 1;
-          }
+    in = (short*)malloc(frame_size*channels*sizeof(short));
+    out = (short*)malloc(max_frame_size*channels*sizeof(short));
+    data[0] = (unsigned char*)calloc(max_payload_bytes,sizeof(char));
+    if ( use_inbandfec ) {
+        data[1] = (unsigned char*)calloc(max_payload_bytes,sizeof(char));
+    }
+    while (!stop)
+    {
+        if (decode_only)
+        {
+            unsigned char ch[4];
+            err = fread(ch, 1, 4, fin);
+            len[toggle] = char_to_int(ch);
+            if (len[toggle]>max_payload_bytes || len[toggle]<0)
+            {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid payload length\n");
+                break;
+            }
+            err = fread(ch, 1, 4, fin);
+            enc_final_range[toggle] = char_to_int(ch);
+            err = fread(data[toggle], 1, len[toggle], fin);
+            if (feof(fin))
+                break;
+            tot_read += frame_size*channels;
+        } else {
+            err = fread(in, sizeof(short), frame_size*channels, fin);
+            tot_read += err;
+            if (err < frame_size*channels)
+            {
+                int i;
+                for (i=err;i<frame_size*channels;i++)
+                    in[i] = 0;
+                stop = 1;
+            }
-          len[toggle] = opus_encode(enc, in, frame_size, data[toggle], max_payload_bytes);
-          enc_final_range[toggle] = opus_encoder_get_final_range( enc );
-          if (len[toggle] < 0)
-          {
-              fprintf (stderr, "opus_encode() returned %d\n", len[toggle]);
-              return 1;
-          }
-      }
+            len[toggle] = opus_encode(enc, in, frame_size, data[toggle], max_payload_bytes);
+            enc_final_range[toggle] = opus_encoder_get_final_range( enc );
+            if (len[toggle] < 0)
+            {
+                fprintf (stderr, "opus_encode() returned %d\n", len[toggle]);
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
-      if (encode_only)
-      {
-          unsigned char int_field[4];
-          int_to_char(len[toggle], int_field);
-          fwrite(int_field, 1, 4, fout);
-          int_to_char(enc_final_range[toggle], int_field);
-          fwrite(int_field, 1, 4, fout);
-          fwrite(data[toggle], 1, len[toggle], fout);
-      } else {
-    	  int output_samples;
-          lost = rand()%100 < packet_loss_perc || len[toggle]==0;
-          if( count >= use_inbandfec ) {
-              /* delay by one packet when using in-band FEC */
-              if( use_inbandfec  ) {
-                  if( lost_prev ) {
-                      /* attempt to decode with in-band FEC from next packet */
-                	  output_samples = opus_decode(dec, lost ? NULL : data[toggle], len[toggle], out, max_frame_size, 1);
-                  } else {
-                      /* regular decode */
-                	  output_samples = opus_decode(dec, data[1-toggle], len[1-toggle], out, max_frame_size, 0);
-                  }
-              } else {
-            	  output_samples = opus_decode(dec, lost ? NULL : data[toggle], len[toggle], out, max_frame_size, 0);
-              }
-              if (output_samples>0)
-              {
-            	  write_samples = output_samples-skip;
-            	  tot_written += write_samples*channels;
-            	  if (tot_written > tot_read)
-            	  {
-            		  write_samples -= (tot_written-tot_read)/channels;
-            	  }
-            	  fwrite(out+skip, sizeof(short), write_samples*channels, fout);
-            	  skip = 0;
-              }
-          }
-      }
+        if (encode_only)
+        {
+            unsigned char int_field[4];
+            int_to_char(len[toggle], int_field);
+            fwrite(int_field, 1, 4, fout);
+            int_to_char(enc_final_range[toggle], int_field);
+            fwrite(int_field, 1, 4, fout);
+            fwrite(data[toggle], 1, len[toggle], fout);
+        } else {
+            int output_samples;
+            lost = rand()%100 < packet_loss_perc || len[toggle]==0;
+            if( count >= use_inbandfec ) {
+                /* delay by one packet when using in-band FEC */
+                if( use_inbandfec  ) {
+                    if( lost_prev ) {
+                        /* attempt to decode with in-band FEC from next packet */
+                        output_samples = opus_decode(dec, lost ? NULL : data[toggle], len[toggle], out, max_frame_size, 1);
+                    } else {
+                        /* regular decode */
+                        output_samples = opus_decode(dec, data[1-toggle], len[1-toggle], out, max_frame_size, 0);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    output_samples = opus_decode(dec, lost ? NULL : data[toggle], len[toggle], out, max_frame_size, 0);
+                }
+                if (output_samples>0)
+                {
+                    write_samples = output_samples-skip;
+                    tot_written += write_samples*channels;
+                    if (tot_written > tot_read)
+                    {
+                        write_samples -= (tot_written-tot_read)/channels;
+                    }
+                    fwrite(out+skip, sizeof(short), write_samples*channels, fout);
+                    skip = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-      /* compare final range encoder rng values of encoder and decoder */
-      if( !encode_only && !lost && !lost_prev
-         && opus_decoder_get_final_range( dec ) != enc_final_range[toggle^use_inbandfec] ) {
-          fprintf (stderr, "Error: Range coder state mismatch between encoder and decoder in frame %d.\n", count);
-          return 0;
-      }
+        /* compare final range encoder rng values of encoder and decoder */
+        if( !encode_only && !lost && !lost_prev &&
+             opus_decoder_get_final_range( dec ) != enc_final_range[toggle^use_inbandfec] ) {
+            fprintf (stderr, "Error: Range coder state mismatch between encoder and decoder in frame %d.\n", count);
+            return 0;
+        }
-      lost_prev = lost;
+        lost_prev = lost;
-      /* count bits */
-      bits += len[toggle]*8;
-      if( count >= use_inbandfec ) {
-          nrg = 0.0;
-          if (!decode_only)
-          {
-        	  for ( k = 0; k < frame_size * channels; k++ ) {
-        		  nrg += in[ k ] * (double)in[ k ];
-        	  }
-          }
-          if ( ( nrg / ( frame_size * channels ) ) > 1e5 ) {
-              bits_act += len[toggle]*8;
-              count_act++;
-          }
-	      /* Variance */
-	      bits2 += len[toggle]*len[toggle]*64;
-      }
-      count++;
-      toggle = (toggle + use_inbandfec) & 1;
-   }
-   fprintf (stderr, "average bitrate:             %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*bits*sampling_rate/(frame_size*(double)count));
-   fprintf (stderr, "active bitrate:              %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*bits_act*sampling_rate/(frame_size*(double)count_act));
-   fprintf (stderr, "bitrate standard deviation:  %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*sqrt(bits2/count - bits*bits/(count*(double)count))*sampling_rate/frame_size);
-   /* Close any files to which intermediate results were stored */
-   silk_TimerSave("opus_timing.txt");
-   opus_encoder_destroy(enc);
-   opus_decoder_destroy(dec);
-   free(data[0]);
-   if (use_inbandfec)
-	   free(data[1]);
-   fclose(fin);
-   fclose(fout);
-   free(in);
-   free(out);
-   return 0;
+        /* count bits */
+        bits += len[toggle]*8;
+        if( count >= use_inbandfec ) {
+            nrg = 0.0;
+            if (!decode_only)
+            {
+                for ( k = 0; k < frame_size * channels; k++ ) {
+                    nrg += in[ k ] * (double)in[ k ];
+                }
+            }
+            if ( ( nrg / ( frame_size * channels ) ) > 1e5 ) {
+                bits_act += len[toggle]*8;
+                count_act++;
+            }
+	    /* Variance */
+            bits2 += len[toggle]*len[toggle]*64;
+        }
+        count++;
+        toggle = (toggle + use_inbandfec) & 1;
+    }
+    fprintf (stderr, "average bitrate:             %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*bits*sampling_rate/(frame_size*(double)count));
+    fprintf (stderr, "active bitrate:              %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*bits_act*sampling_rate/(frame_size*(double)count_act));
+    fprintf (stderr, "bitrate standard deviation:  %7.3f kb/s\n", 1e-3*sqrt(bits2/count - bits*bits/(count*(double)count))*sampling_rate/frame_size);
+    /* Close any files to which intermediate results were stored */
+    silk_TimerSave("opus_timing.txt");
+    opus_encoder_destroy(enc);
+    opus_decoder_destroy(dec);
+    free(data[0]);
+    if (use_inbandfec)
+        free(data[1]);
+    fclose(fin);
+    fclose(fout);
+    free(in);
+    free(out);
+    return 0;