From ddd551e06d838ea7edd8bbcb985b047391c30557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Timothy B. Terriberry" <>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2012 03:13:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Add documentation for the repacketizer API.

This patch also includes some small edits for the main API
 include/opus.h | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 283 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/opus.h b/include/opus.h
index a1f0156fe..9de31af64 100644
--- a/include/opus.h
+++ b/include/opus.h
@@ -161,6 +161,11 @@ extern "C" {
 typedef struct OpusEncoder OpusEncoder;
+/** Gets the size of an OpusEncoder structure.
+  * @param[in] channels <tt>int</tt>: Number of channels.
+  *                                   This must be 1 or 2.
+  * @returns The size in bytes.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_encoder_get_size(int channels);
@@ -351,8 +356,9 @@ OPUS_EXPORT int opus_encoder_ctl(OpusEncoder *st, int request, ...) OPUS_ARG_NON
 typedef struct OpusDecoder OpusDecoder;
 /** Gets the size of an OpusDecoder structure.
-  * @param [in] channels <tt>int</tt>: Number of channels
-  * @returns size
+  * @param [in] channels <tt>int</tt>: Number of channels.
+  *                                    This must be 1 or 2.
+  * @returns The size in bytes.
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_decoder_get_size(int channels);
@@ -479,10 +485,13 @@ OPUS_EXPORT int opus_packet_parse(
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_packet_get_bandwidth(const unsigned char *data) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1);
 /** Gets the number of samples per frame from an Opus packet.
-  * @param [in] data <tt>char*</tt>: Opus packet
-  * @param [in] Fs <tt>opus_int32</tt>: Sampling rate in Hz
-  * @returns Number of samples per frame
-  * @retval OPUS_INVALID_PACKET The compressed data passed is corrupted or of an unsupported type
+  * @param [in] data <tt>char*</tt>: Opus packet.
+  *                                  This must contain at least one byte of
+  *                                  data.
+  * @param [in] Fs <tt>opus_int32</tt>: Sampling rate in Hz.
+  *                                     This must be a multiple of 400, or
+  *                                     inaccurate results will be returned.
+  * @returns Number of samples per frame.
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(const unsigned char *data, opus_int32 Fs) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1);
@@ -514,27 +523,293 @@ OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_decoder_get_nb_samples(const OpusDe
 /** @defgroup opus_repacketizer Repacketizer
   * @{
-  * The repacketizer can be used to merge multiple Opus packets into a single packet
-  * or alternatively to split Opus packets that have previously been merged.
+  * The repacketizer can be used to merge multiple Opus packets into a single
+  * packet or alternatively to split Opus packets that have previously been
+  * merged. The repacketizer currently only operates on elementary Opus
+  * streams. It will not manipualte multistream packets successfully, except in
+  * the degenerate case where they consist of data from a single stream.
+  *
+  * The repacketizing process starts with creating a repacketizer state, either
+  * by calling opus_repacketizer_create() or by allocating the memory yourself,
+  * e.g.,
+  * @code
+  * OpusRepacketizer *rp;
+  * rp = (OpusRepacketizer*)malloc(opus_repacketizer_get_size());
+  * if (rp != NULL)
+  *     opus_repacketizer_init(rp);
+  * @endcode
+  *
+  * Then the application should submit packets with opus_repacketizer_cat(),
+  * extract new packets with opus_repacketizer_out() or
+  * opus_repacketizer_out_range(), and then reset the state for the next set of
+  * input packets via opus_repacketizer_init().
+  *
+  * For example, to split a sequence of packets into individual frames:
+  * @code
+  * unsigned char *data;
+  * int len;
+  * while (get_next_packet(&data, &len))
+  * {
+  *   unsigned char out[1276];
+  *   opus_int32 out_len;
+  *   int nb_frames;
+  *   int err;
+  *   int i;
+  *   err = opus_repacketizer_cat(rp, data, len);
+  *   if (err != OPUS_OK)
+  *   {
+  *     release_packet(data);
+  *     return err;
+  *   }
+  *   nb_frames = opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp);
+  *   for (i = 0; i < nb_frames; i++)
+  *   {
+  *     out_len = opus_repacketizer_out_range(rp, i, i+1, out, sizeof(out));
+  *     if (out_len < 0)
+  *     {
+  *        release_packet(data);
+  *        return (int)out_len;
+  *     }
+  *     output_next_packet(out, out_len);
+  *   }
+  *   opus_repacketizer_init(rp);
+  *   release_packet(data);
+  * }
+  * @endcode
+  * Alternatively, to combine a sequence of frames into packets that each
+  * contain up to <code>TARGET_DURATION_MS</code> milliseconds of data:
+  * @code
+  * // The maximum number of packets with duration TARGET_DURATION_MS occurs
+  * // when the frame size is 2.5 ms, for a total of (TARGET_DURATION_MS*5/2)
+  * // packets.
+  * unsigned char *data[(TARGET_DURATION_MS*5/2)+1];
+  * opus_int32 len[(TARGET_DURATION_MS*5/2)+1];
+  * int nb_packets;
+  * unsigned char out[1277*(TARGET_DURATION_MS*5/2)];
+  * opus_int32 out_len;
+  * int prev_toc;
+  * nb_packets = 0;
+  * while (get_next_packet(data+nb_packets, len+nb_packets))
+  * {
+  *   int nb_frames;
+  *   int err;
+  *   nb_frames = opus_packet_get_nb_frames(data[nb_packets], len[nb_packets]);
+  *   if (nb_frames < 1)
+  *   {
+  *     release_packets(data, nb_packets+1);
+  *     return nb_frames;
+  *   }
+  *   nb_frames += opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp);
+  *   // If adding the next packet would exceed our target, or it has an
+  *   // incompatible TOC sequence, output the packets we already have before
+  *   // submitting it.
+  *   // N.B., The nb_packets > 0 check ensures we've submitted at least one
+  *   // packet since the last call to opus_repacketizer_init(). Otherwise a
+  *   // single packet longer than TARGET_DURATION_MS would cause us to try to
+  *   // output an (invalid) empty packet. It also ensures that prev_toc has
+  *   // been set to a valid value. Additionally, len[nb_packets] > 0 is
+  *   // guaranteed by the call to opus_packet_get_nb_frames() above, so the
+  *   // reference to data[nb_packets][0] should be valid.
+  *   if (nb_packets > 0 && (
+  *       ((prev_toc & 0xFC) != (data[nb_packets][0] & 0xFC)) ||
+  *       opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(data[nb_packets], 2000)*nb_frames >
+  *       TARGET_DURATION_MS*2))
+  *   {
+  *     out_len = opus_repacketizer_out(rp, out, sizeof(out));
+  *     if (out_len < 0)
+  *     {
+  *        release_packets(data, nb_packets+1);
+  *        return (int)out_len;
+  *     }
+  *     output_next_packet(out, out_len);
+  *     opus_repacketizer_init(rp);
+  *     release_packets(data, nb_packets);
+  *     data[0] = data[nb_packets];
+  *     len[0] = len[nb_packets];
+  *     nb_packets = 0;
+  *   }
+  *   err = opus_repacketizer_cat(rp, data[nb_packets], len[nb_packets]);
+  *   if (err != OPUS_OK)
+  *   {
+  *     release_packets(data, nb_packets+1);
+  *     return err;
+  *   }
+  *   prev_toc = data[nb_packets][0];
+  *   nb_packets++;
+  * }
+  * // Output the final, partial packet.
+  * if (nb_packets > 0)
+  * {
+  *   out_len = opus_repacketizer_out(rp, out, sizeof(out));
+  *   release_packets(data, nb_packets);
+  *   if (out_len < 0)
+  *     return (int)out_len;
+  *   output_next_packet(out, out_len);
+  * }
+  * @endcode
 typedef struct OpusRepacketizer OpusRepacketizer;
+/** Gets the size of an <code>OpusRepacketizer</code> structure.
+  * @returns The size in bytes.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_repacketizer_get_size(void);
+/** (Re)initializes a previously allocated repacketizer state.
+  * The state must be the size returned by opus_repacketizer_get_size().
+  * This can be used for applications which use their own allocator instead of
+  * malloc().
+  * It must also be called to reset the queue of packets waiting to be
+  * repacketized, which is necessary if the maximum packet duration of 120 ms
+  * is reached or if you wish to submit packets with a different Opus
+  * configuration (coding mode, audio bandwidth, frame size, or channel count).
+  * Failure to do so will prevent a new packet from being added with
+  * opus_repacketizer_cat().
+  * @see opus_repacketizer_create
+  * @see opus_repacketizer_get_size
+  * @see opus_repacketizer_cat
+  * @param rp <tt>OpusRepacketizer*</tt>: The repacketizer state to
+  *                                       (re)initialize.
+  * @returns A pointer to the same repacketizer state that was passed in.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OpusRepacketizer *opus_repacketizer_init(OpusRepacketizer *rp) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1);
+/** Allocates and initializes a repacketizer state.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT OpusRepacketizer *opus_repacketizer_create(void);
+/** Frees an <code>OpusRepacketizer</code> allocated by
+  * opus_repacketizer_create().
+  * @param[in] rp <tt>OpusRepacketizer*</tt>: State to be freed.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT void opus_repacketizer_destroy(OpusRepacketizer *rp);
+/** Add a packet to the current repacketizer state.
+  * This packet must match the configuration of any packets already submitted
+  * for repacketization since the last call to opus_repacketizer_init().
+  * This means that it must have the same coding mode, audio bandwidth, frame
+  * size, and channel count.
+  * This can be checked in advance by examining the top 6 bits of the first
+  * byte of the packet, and ensuring they match the top 6 bits of the first
+  * byte of any previously submitted packet.
+  * The total duration of audio in the repacketizer state also must not exceed
+  * 120 ms, the maximum duration of a single packet, after adding this packet.
+  *
+  * The contents of the current repacketizer state can be extracted into new
+  * packets using opus_repacketizer_out() or opus_repacketizer_out_range().
+  *
+  * In order to add a packet with a different configuration or to add more
+  * audio beyond 120 ms, you must clear the repacketizer state by calling
+  * opus_repacketizer_init().
+  * If a packet is too large to add to the current repacketizer state, no part
+  * of it is added, even if it contains multiple frames, some of which might
+  * fit.
+  * If you wish to be able to add parts of such packets, you should first use
+  * another repacketizer to split the packet into pieces and add them
+  * individually.
+  * @see opus_repacketizer_out_range
+  * @see opus_repacketizer_out
+  * @see opus_repacketizer_init
+  * @param rp <tt>OpusRepacketizer*</tt>: The repacketizer state to which to
+  *                                       add the packet.
+  * @param[in] data <tt>const unsigned char*</tt>: The packet data.
+  *                                                The application must ensure
+  *                                                this pointer remains valid
+  *                                                until the next call to
+  *                                                opus_repacketizer_init() or
+  *                                                opus_repacketizer_destroy().
+  * @param len <tt>opus_int32</tt>: The number of bytes in the packet data.
+  * @returns An error code indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.
+  * @retval #OPUS_OK The packet's contents have been added to the repacketizer
+  *                  state.
+  * @retval #OPUS_INVALID_PACKET The packet did not have a valid TOC sequence,
+  *                              the packet's TOC sequence was not compatible
+  *                              with previously submitted packets (because
+  *                              the coding mode, audio bandwidth, frame size,
+  *                              or channel count did not match), or adding
+  *                              this packet would increase the total amount of
+  *                              audio stored in the repacketizer state to more
+  *                              than 120 ms.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT int opus_repacketizer_cat(OpusRepacketizer *rp, const unsigned char *data, opus_int32 len) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(2);
+/** Construct a new packet from data previously submitted to the repacketizer
+  * state via opus_repacketizer_cat().
+  * @param rp <tt>OpusRepacketizer*</tt>: The repacketizer state from which to
+  *                                       construct the new packet.
+  * @param begin <tt>int</tt>: The index of the first frame in the current
+  *                            repacketizer state to include in the output.
+  * @param end <tt>int</tt>: One past the index of the last frame in the
+  *                          current repacketizer state to include in the
+  *                          output.
+  * @param[out] data <tt>const unsigned char*</tt>: The buffer in which to
+  *                                                 store the output packet.
+  * @param maxlen <tt>opus_int32</tt>: The maximum number of bytes to store in
+  *                                    the output buffer. In order to guarantee
+  *                                    success, this should be at least
+  *                                    <code>1276</code> for a single frame,
+  *                                    or for multiple frames,
+  *                                    <code>1277*(end-begin)</code>.
+  *                                    However, <code>1*(end-begin)</code> plus
+  *                                    the size of all packet data submitted to
+  *                                    the repacketizer since the last call to
+  *                                    opus_repacketizer_init() or
+  *                                    opus_repacketizer_create() is also
+  *                                    sufficient, and possibly much smaller.
+  * @returns The total size of the output packet on success, or an error code
+  *          on failure.
+  * @retval #OPUS_BAD_ARG <code>[begin,end)</code> was an invalid range of
+  *                       frames (begin < 0, begin >= end, or end >
+  *                       opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames()).
+  * @retval #OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL \a maxlen was insufficient to contain the
+  *                                complete output packet.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT opus_int32 opus_repacketizer_out_range(OpusRepacketizer *rp, int begin, int end, unsigned char *data, opus_int32 maxlen) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(4);
+/** Return the total number of frames contained in packet data submitted to
+  * the repacketizer state so far via opus_repacketizer_cat() since the last
+  * call to opus_repacketizer_init() or opus_repacketizer_create().
+  * This defines the valid range of packets that can be extracted with
+  * opus_repacketizer_out_range() or opus_repacketizer_out().
+  * @param rp <tt>OpusRepacketizer*</tt>: The repacketizer state containing the
+  *                                       frames.
+  * @returns The total number of frames contained in the packet data submitted
+  *          to the repacketizer state.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(OpusRepacketizer *rp) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1);
+/** Construct a new packet from data previously submitted to the repacketizer
+  * state via opus_repacketizer_cat().
+  * This is a convenience routine that returns all the data submitted so far
+  * in a single packet.
+  * It is equivalent to calling
+  * @code
+  * opus_repacketizer_out_range(rp, 0, opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp),
+  *                             data, maxlen)
+  * @endcode
+  * @param rp <tt>OpusRepacketizer*</tt>: The repacketizer state from which to
+  *                                       construct the new packet.
+  * @param[out] data <tt>const unsigned char*</tt>: The buffer in which to
+  *                                                 store the output packet.
+  * @param maxlen <tt>opus_int32</tt>: The maximum number of bytes to store in
+  *                                    the output buffer. In order to guarantee
+  *                                    success, this should be at least
+  *                                    <code>1277*opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp)</code>.
+  *                                    However,
+  *                                    <code>1*opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp)</code>
+  *                                    plus the size of all packet data
+  *                                    submitted to the repacketizer since the
+  *                                    last call to opus_repacketizer_init() or
+  *                                    opus_repacketizer_create() is also
+  *                                    sufficient, and possibly much smaller.
+  * @returns The total size of the output packet on success, or an error code
+  *          on failure.
+  * @retval #OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL \a maxlen was insufficient to contain the
+  *                                complete output packet.
+  */
 OPUS_EXPORT OPUS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT opus_int32 opus_repacketizer_out(OpusRepacketizer *rp, unsigned char *data, opus_int32 maxlen) OPUS_ARG_NONNULL(1);