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  • Yi Luo's avatar
    Lowbd rectangle V/H intra pred sse2 optimization · 0c0fd1e5
    Yi Luo authored
    Function speedup sse2 v. C
    Predictor  V_PRED  H_PRED
    4x8        ~1.7x   ~1.8x
    8x4        ~1.8x   ~2.2x
    8x16       ~1.5x   ~1.4x
    16x8       ~1.9x   ~1.3x
    16x32      ~1.6x   ~1.4x
    32x16      ~2.0x   ~1.9x
    This patch disables speed tests to save Jenkins build
    time. Developer can manually enable them by using,
    --gtest_also_run_disabled_test flag in test command line.
    Change-Id: I81eaee5e8afc55275c7507c99774f78cc9e49f9a