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  • Rupert Swarbrick's avatar
    Add a new layout for HORZ/VERT_A/B partitions · 3dd33911
    Rupert Swarbrick authored
    This hides behind --enable-ext_partition_types_ab. When that flag is
    set, the mixed partitions change from
       +-+-+---+          +-+-+---+
       |   |   |          | | |   |
       |---+   |    to    | | |   |
       |   |   |          | | |   |
       +-+-+---+          +-+-+---+
    (that's PARTITION_VERT_A; other partitions change similarly).
    Since 128x32 and 32x128 block support hasn't yet been merged, this
    patch also temporarily disables these partitions for 128x128 blocks.
    Change-Id: Ic479c0fc129f590b8ad56d72dc98ba79ae1bd1cf