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  • Deb Mukherjee's avatar
    Replace one self guided filter with highpass · b7bb0976
    Deb Mukherjee authored
    Adds an option controlled by a macro to replace one of
    the guided filters in the self-guided tool with a simple
    bandpass filtered version generated with a 3x3 kernel.
    By default the macro USE_HIGHPASS_IN_SGRPROJ is 0 (turned
    off), that defaults us to the dual self-guided filter.
    When the macro is turned on, the larger radius guided
    filter is replaced by a simpler filter that is much faster.
    Results (if USE_HIGHPASS_IN_SGRPROJ is on vs. off):
    lowres: performance drop by +0.14% (BDRATE)
    midres: performance drop by +0.27% (BDRATE)
    Further experiments on this variation of guided filters is
    Change-Id: I7bbcfcad7ee266cd49a8dc6d96795a454feb1a94