diff --git a/tools/ftfy.sh b/tools/ftfy.sh
index de0f0eded63e8b64a464a443f645e3c0f28e4e11..1f41fe76b6f7cb658d2a37243ea90bf896d635fc 100755
--- a/tools/ftfy.sh
+++ b/tools/ftfy.sh
@@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
 # Collect the original diff
 git show > "${ORIG_DIFF}"
-# Apply the style guide on the modified files and collect its diff
-for f in $(git diff HEAD^ --name-only | grep '\.[ch]$'); do
+# Apply the style guide on new and modified files and collect its diff
+for f in $(git diff HEAD^ --name-only -M90 --diff-filter=AM
+           | grep '\.[ch]$'); do
   case "$f" in
     third_party/*) continue;;
     nestegg/*) continue;;