.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii libao.conf.5 .\" .TH libao.conf 5 "September 1, 2003" "" "libao configuration" .SH NAME libao.conf \- configuration for libao. .SH SYNOPSIS .B /etc/libao.conf .B ~/.libao .SH DESCRIPTION .B libao.conf and .B .libao are configuration files for libao, the audio output library. They specify various options to libao, as described below. .B libao.conf sets system-wide options, whereas .B ~/.libao sets user-specific options. When an option is set in both places, the option in .B ~/.libao takes precedence. .SH FILE FORMAT The file consists of comments and key-value pairs. Comments are on separate lines that start with a .B # symbol. The key-value pairs are of the form: .RS .BR .B key=value .RE where .B key contains no whitespace and no equal signs. .B value will be all of the text after the equal sign until (but not including) the ending newline. Beware of extra spaces at the end of the line! They will probably be interpreted as part of the option value. Valid option keys are: .RS .IP default_driver The short name of the driver libao should use by default. Valid values include (not all are available on every platform): oss, esd, arts, alsa, alsa05, nas, irix, and sun. Note that "sun" is used on many BSD systems as well as Solaris. The "alsa" driver is for the 0.9.x ALSA API, whereas the "alsa05" driver is for the 0.5.x API. .RE .SH EXAMPLE Here is an example .B libao.conf that forces the OSS driver to be used by default: # This is a comment. default_driver=oss .SH BUGS .B libao.conf is missing a number of potentially useful options. .SH AUTHORS .br Stan Seibert <volsung@xiph.org>