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  • conrad's avatar
    Fix regression introduced in 8c2da1 · ccd2a2fe
    conrad authored
    When using a recent liboggz, liboggplay fails to play some files. It
    appears it's only files with Kate streams, however some files with
    Kate streams do play fine, but liboggplay reports unknown
    category/language, so that's probably still failing, but in a way that
    liboggplay can recover from.
    A sample file which worked before and does not work now is the good old:
    This file is seen as correct by oggz-validate.
    * when oggz_read() sees the first few packets before it sees a
    granulepos, it buffers them in a dlist
    * then, oggz_read_deliver_packet() is a dlist callback which goes
    through these buffered packets and calls the read callback for each
    * the commit you found by bisection returns an error if the
    read_callback returns non-zero; previously the read_callback return
    values were ignored
    * liboggplay's read_predetected(), the read_callback in use during
    stream detection, returns 1 (OGGZ_STOP_OK) when it has done what it
    needs to do
    ... hence, the STOP_OK value gets turned into an error value by the
    bad commit.
    Reported-by: default avatar <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarConrad Parker <>