diff --git a/celt/os_support.h b/celt/os_support.h
index 5e47e3cff9abec0b7813c90538736ab184b0ba09..a2171971e9d657849210a6f90549a5d867002dd1 100644
--- a/celt/os_support.h
+++ b/celt/os_support.h
@@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ static OPUS_INLINE void opus_free (void *ptr)
-/** Copy n bytes of memory from src to dst. The 0* term provides compile-time type checking  */
+/** Copy n elements from src to dst. The 0* term provides compile-time type checking  */
 #define OPUS_COPY(dst, src, n) (memcpy((dst), (src), (n)*sizeof(*(dst)) + 0*((dst)-(src)) ))
-/** Copy n bytes of memory from src to dst, allowing overlapping regions. The 0* term
+/** Copy n elements from src to dst, allowing overlapping regions. The 0* term
     provides compile-time type checking */
 #define OPUS_MOVE(dst, src, n) (memmove((dst), (src), (n)*sizeof(*(dst)) + 0*((dst)-(src)) ))
-/** Set n elements of dst to zero, starting at address s */
+/** Set n elements of dst to zero */
 #define OPUS_CLEAR(dst, n) (memset((dst), 0, (n)*sizeof(*(dst))))