#!/bin/sh set -e model=opus_data-$1.tar.gz if [ ! -f $model ]; then echo "Downloading latest model" wget https://media.xiph.org/opus/models/$model fi if command -v sha256sum then echo "Validating checksum" checksum="$1" checksum2=$(sha256sum $model | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$checksum" != "$checksum2" ] then echo "Aborting due to mismatching checksums. This could be caused by a corrupted download of $model." echo "Consider deleting local copy of $model and running this script again." exit 1 else echo "checksums match" fi else echo "Could not find sha256 sum; skipping verification. Please verify manually that sha256 hash of ${model} matches ${1}." fi tar xvomf $model