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  • Timothy B. Terriberry's avatar
    Fix an incorrect assertion in op_pcm_seek_page(). · 729c88e7
    Timothy B. Terriberry authored
    When we were checking the current file offset to see if we should
     use it as the starting bisection point, we assumed that offset was
     larger than the start of the data range for that link (and
     consequently, inside the bisection range).
    If there is a random page earlier in the file that happens to use
     the same serial number as a link we identified later in the file
     at file open time, and we had stopped reading there before the
     seek, then this assumption might not be true.
    Ironically, it was not the case that contained the assertion that
     had trouble with such an offset.
    It would fail the check that we were cutting off more than half the
     range, since we were actually cutting off a negative amount, and
     fall back to the midpoint of the link as the first bisection
    However, the case below that (where the target comes after the
     current timestamp), we might have erroneously cut off the entire
     range (setting end to offset, which was less than begin), causing
     the seek to immediately fail.
    Instead, validate the curent offset against both ends of the link
     before attempting to use it as the initial bisection point.
    Thanks to Felicia Lim for the report.
    Fixes #2331