diff --git a/mingw/Makefile b/mingw/Makefile
index 881974a1f40fa6e4a97187a45cb60f1f51336537..a75ab8fb702d0a71a3090621208096b377cffab0 100644
--- a/mingw/Makefile
+++ b/mingw/Makefile
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ clean:
 # Generate rules to download and verify each dependency.
 define WGET_template =
- # Generate unpacked tarball name from the url.
+ # Generate tarball name from the url.
+ DEP_TARBALLS += $$(notdir $$($(1)_URL))
  $(1)_DIR := $$(basename $$(basename $$(notdir $$($(1)_URL))))
  DEP_DIRS += $$($(1)_DIR)
@@ -58,6 +59,11 @@ define WGET_template =
 $(foreach dep,$(DEPS),$(eval $(call WGET_template,$(dep))))
+fetch: $(DEP_TARBALLS)
+realclean: clean
 # Build scripts for each specific target.
 # NOTE: 'make check' generally requires wine with cross-compiling.