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  • Mark Harris's avatar
    http: Fix use of deprecated function ftime() · 069dc6e8
    Mark Harris authored
    The ftime() function, introduced in V7 Unix (1979), gets the current
    time in seconds and milliseconds, and time zone information.  It was
    marked as a legacy interface in POSIX.1-2001, and removed altogether
    from POSIX.1-2008.  The gettimeofday() function, originally from
    4.1 BSD, gets the current time in seconds and microseconds, and optional
    time zone information, and was marked as obsolete in POSIX.1-2008
    although it was kept in the standard.  The POSIX recommended function
    for getting time with sub-second resolution is clock_gettime(), which
    was introduced in POSIX.1b-1993 and is now part of the base POSIX
    standard; it supports multiple clocks and nanosecond resolution.
    Additionally the function timespec_get() was introduced in C11 and also
    supports nanosecond resolution.
    To support dates beyond the year 2038, glibc and other libraries are
    being updated to support 64-bit time_t even on 32-bit architectures,
    requiring new implementations of interfaces that w...