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  • Nathan E. Egge's avatar
    daala_tx: New flattened 4-point Type-IV DST. · 4644a7d0
    Nathan E. Egge authored
    This change slightly improves the 16-point DCT round trip accuracy due
     to changes in the rounding.
    new_dst2@2017-12-04T01:59:57.412Z -> new_dst4@2017-12-04T06:31:41.096Z
      PSNR | PSNR Cb | PSNR Cr | PSNR HVS |   SSIM | MS SSIM | CIEDE 2000
    0.0078 | -0.0001 |  0.0198 |   0.0432 | 0.0408 |  0.0502 |    -0.0057
    Change-Id: I75783ace97834af89e70c9ce3002c6f09176e343