- Sep 04, 2017
James Zern authored
based on Google style with the following differences: 3a4 > # Generated with clang-format 4.0.1 13c14 < AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false --- > AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true 23c24 < BraceWrapping: --- > BraceWrapping: 43c44 < ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true --- > ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false 46,47c47,48 < Cpp11BracedListStyle: true < DerivePointerAlignment: true --- > Cpp11BracedListStyle: false > DerivePointerAlignment: false 51c52 < IncludeCategories: --- > IncludeCategories: 78c79 < PointerAlignment: Left --- > PointerAlignment: Right 80c81 < SortIncludes: true --- > SortIncludes: false Change-Id: I0a73f0f984a7730e6448c1fadc4cf0b9440b9226
- Feb 16, 2017
James Zern authored
Change-Id: Ia3b00907f98330ecaf28832b2c0a68e42cf93d6e
- Sep 17, 2016
James Zern authored
based on --style=Google with the following differences: 3a4 > # Generated with clang-format 3.8.1 13c14 < AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false --- > AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true 41c42 < ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true --- > ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false 44,45c45,46 < Cpp11BracedListStyle: true < DerivePointerAlignment: true --- > Cpp11BracedListStyle: false > DerivePointerAlignment: false 73c74 < PointerAlignment: Left --- > PointerAlignment: Right 75c76 < SortIncludes: true --- > SortIncludes: false SortIncludes will like be enabled in a future commit Change-Id: I34cb20b99d2d988681e0cd0e74d03b3668ae0031
- Sep 15, 2016
James Zern authored
based on --style=Google with the following differences: 3a4 > # Generated with clang-format 3.8.1 13c14 < AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false --- > AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true 41c42 < ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true --- > ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false 44,45c45,46 < Cpp11BracedListStyle: true < DerivePointerAlignment: true --- > Cpp11BracedListStyle: false > DerivePointerAlignment: false 73c74 < PointerAlignment: Left --- > PointerAlignment: Right 75c76 < SortIncludes: true --- > SortIncludes: false SortIncludes will like be enabled in a future commit Change-Id: I5c404f44081b65354e7f526411c91fbbe31ac5af (cherry picked from commit 6d84689870e1437b2ebb5df56c672b3249b975bb)
- Aug 16, 2016
James Zern authored
everything outside of third_party should follow 'PointerAlignment: right' i.e., associate the '*' with the variable + add a note about the clang-format that generated this file Change-Id: I13e3f4f5fb6e22a8fa7fc3d06879c995b7c41a39 (cherry picked from libvpx e429080)
- Jul 27, 2016
James Zern authored
everything outside of third_party should follow 'PointerAlignment: right' i.e., associate the '*' with the variable + add a note about the clang-format that generated this file Change-Id: I13e3f4f5fb6e22a8fa7fc3d06879c995b7c41a39 (cherry picked from commit e4290800b21478a3f9548c58b4f15c5ba5393073)
- Jul 22, 2016
James Zern authored
derived from clang-format 3.7.1; same as used in libaom Change-Id: I8ea915a41d1f2ea3b0d4e4dab9ebc808e9116f11
- Jan 28, 2016
James Zern authored
+ change brace behavior to be non-C++11 Change-Id: I25d087da818454019708e7408c5a21a7d966927d
- Jan 27, 2016
James Zern authored
Change-Id: Iffe907de3a4db519b50f3855c121c8f6d26db450
- Jan 22, 2016
James Zern authored
derived from clang-format 3.7.1 Change-Id: Id82253f86ffff6a75a2cdefdefb0afbc8cba901f