This allows the libopus source files to be compiled with a C++ compiler, by ensuring that the "extern const MLP net" declaration is visible at the point of the "const MLP net" in src/mlp_data.c. Otherwise it will default to static linkage in C++, resulting in an undefined symbol. Note that if compiled with a C++ compiler the symbols will be mangled, so don't do that if you want to be able to call it from C code or run the tests (which still require a C compiler).
This allows the libopus source files to be compiled with a C++ compiler, by ensuring that the "extern const MLP net" declaration is visible at the point of the "const MLP net" in src/mlp_data.c. Otherwise it will default to static linkage in C++, resulting in an undefined symbol. Note that if compiled with a C++ compiler the symbols will be mangled, so don't do that if you want to be able to call it from C code or run the tests (which still require a C compiler).