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  • Xu Guangxin's avatar
    fix build for cargo 1.13.0 · c83f7cc7
    Xu Guangxin authored and Thomas Daede's avatar Thomas Daede committed
    we will have following build error on cargo 1.13.0
    this patch will fix it
    $cargo build --release
       Compiling rav1e v0.1.0 (/home/thomas/codec/rav1e)
    error[E0658]: imports can only refer to extern crate names passed with `--extern` on stable channel (see issue #53130)
      --> src/
    25 | / pub enum RefType {
    26 | |   INTRA_FRAME = 0,
    27 | |   LAST_FRAME = 1,
    28 | |   LAST2_FRAME = 2,
    ...  |
    34 | |   NONE_FRAME = 8,
    35 | | }
       | |_- not an extern crate passed with `--extern`
    54 |   use RefType::*;
       |       ^^^^^^^
    note: this import refers to the enum defined here
      --> src/
    25 | / pub enum RefType {
    26 | |   INTRA_FRAME = 0,
    27 | |   LAST_FRAME = 1,
    28 | |   LAST2_FRAME = 2,
    ...  |
    34 | |   NONE_FRAME = 8,
    35 | | }
       | |_^
    error: aborting due to previous error
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
    error: Could not compile `rav1e`.