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  • Monty's avatar
    Port r17546 from Tremor; although pieces had made it over to libvorbis, a comprehensive · 4936fd27
    Monty authored
    port and verification was called for.  This patch provided some additional floor0 
      floor0 code could potentially use a book where the number of vals it
      needed to decode was not an integer number of dims wide.  This caused
      it to overflow the output vector as the termination condition was in
      the outer loop of vorbis_book_decodev_set.
      None of the various vorbis_book_decodeXXXX calls internally guard
      against this case either, but in every other use the calling code does
      properly guard (and avoids putting more checks in the tight inner
      decode loop).
      For floor0, move the checks into the inner loop as there's little
      penalty for doing so.
    [an equivalent change was already in libvorbis, but I've 
    harmonized the code with tremor]
      For floor0, move the checks into the inner loop as there's little
      penalty for doing so.  Add commentary indicating where guarding is
      done for each call variant.
    svn path=/trunk/vorbis/; revision=18183