Icecast 2.5.0
Next major feature release for Icecast.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- Add mime.types paths for other distros
- Event triggers for Icecast 2.5
- SSL for admin only
- Icecast should expose the YP server messages to the admin status pages per mount
- Icecast should expose the YP listing status to the public status pages
- Check feasibility of intro functionality for WebM
- Improve WebM support in Icecast
- check if we need to forward port a possible win32 security fix from kh
- VCLT support in current icecast is useless
- Icecast needs a web-UI for configuration
- Filter based on User Agent
- Creating a policy for removing support for obsoleted features/interfaces
- Document icecast access log format in docs
- YP protocol documentation / revision
- Write specification of Icecast specific HTTP protocol features
- Fix up ogg serial numbers for incoming streams in Icecast
- symlink icecast docs into web dir during install
- Turn on Forward Secrecy in openSSL support
- calls to abort() should be removed and checks for memory allocation failture to be added
- Allow standard HTTP method instead of non-standard "STATS" for opening stats stream
- Icecast to accept custom REMOTE IP headers for reverse proxy compatibility.
- timelimit_header is not considered for stream_auth
- Icecast should implement RFC 5334 / 4281 support ("codecs" Media Type parameter)
- [PATCH] Send credentials when doing master-relay
Completed Issues (closed)
- Recovering from fallback directs to wrong mount
- Link error when compiling with cURL
- Rename <mp3-metadata-interval> for clarity
- Check if bitrate is missing on admin stats page
- Invalid XML in Icecast statistics output due to lack of escaping
- Replace with a simple wrapper around autoreconf
- Spaces in Web and Admin path break new include helper for libxslt
- Make listen backlog customizable
- Hardcoded HTTP protocol verification for master-slave relaying
- Icecast listener count negative under special circumstances
- status-json.xsl produces invalid output if field contains only "-" and optional whitespace
- URL auth: override status code and send custom headers
- implement event triggers 'client-connect' / 'client-disconnect' to match legacy url-auth
- icestats.source in /status-json.xsl is not always an array
- Improve https handling of Icecast web ui and generated files
- Improved mountpoint metadata manipulation support through /admin calls
- Mime-Type file config option should be in the path section
- RFC 2817 "Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1" Support
- No metadata for the listenerer when sourcing with Mixxx on Windows
- Split up Icecast certificate handling into private and public key files
- Icecast should send the "admin" field from config to YP
- Icecast might hang with 100% cpu use upon failed startup
- Regresion: reloadconfig* got de-linked on redesign of admin intrerface
- Regression: Role management not possible via admin interface
- Kicking a source disconnects listeners even if fallback defined
- With <role> every client needs to go thru the stack of auth_ts. This will delay client connections
- Support management of multiple <role>s
- needs minor fixes
- doc subdirectories don't work if packaging overrides "docdir"
- Write FAQ on how to set <hostname> correctly
- Check: Bytes sent and time listening might be broken?
- Review how Icecast binds to sockets (IPv6/IPv4)
- In <listener> in some tags are camelcase that should be converted to lowercase.
- accept data with “Transfer-Encoding: chunked”
- icecast does not only write the stream data into the dumpfile
- Removal of <threadpool>
- Require content-type for PUT connections
- Wrong duration value in access.log on mingw32 builds
- Limit/Filter access types available through a listener socket
- Stats data in iso8601 fields on mingw32 builds is wrong.
- disable SSLv3 and SSL compression explicitly
- openSSL configuration overhaul in Icecast
- Go through compiler warnings and such
- [PATCH] On-Demand relay mount doesn't has on_demand set on startup
- Icecast 2.4.0 - status-json.xsl - parse error
- Icecast segfault : auth_url.c
- configure does not find speex when using non-standard prefix
- Add a web interface equivalent of SIGHUP
- out of band Opus Metadata updates not allowed
- Add IP address of the source in error.log
- Improve Icecast htpasswd hash storage security
- icecast crashes if some XML config settings are empty
- auth.xsl m3u filename is wrong
- Webinterface shows Login when using just stream_auth
- Add <audio> and <video> elements to supported streams on status page.
- Icecast errors in name resolution
- Lower required authentification level for STATS
- [PATCH]Icecast should log to STDERR if it can't log to the errorlog file
- <on-connect> to accept an arguments with the script name
- Report the mountpoint in log lines
- pass stream_name and stream_description to on-dis/connect scripts
- Freeze Metadata
- StreamTitle Template for Icecast 2
- Dynamical Reload of config.xml on Win32
- Viewing the last X number of lines from logfile in Icecast Web Admin
- [PATCH] More type related cleanups
- a list of the last n songs played should be accessible to visitors through status.xsl